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«Rehabilitation of a psychotic client»

Clinical psychologist Elena Leontieva created the author's online course "Rehabilitation of a Psychotic Client" based on her scientific research in the rehabilitation of patients on the schizophrenic spectrum, private practice as a psychologist and work in a psychiatric hospital. The course is suitable for professional psychologists, relatives of people facing mental illness, and psychotics themselves. Elena Mikhailovna Leontieva is a candidate of psychological sciences, a certified Gestalt therapist, a specialist in family counseling, the author of scientific and popular articles, the author of the fiction novels "About Psychos" and "Private Practice.

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We would like to thank E. Leontieva for her help in designing the author's course "Rehabilitation of a Psychotic Client. "Rehabilitation of a Psychotic Client" by Artemy Lebedev Studio designer N. Ironov.

Release date: March 31, 2021

Attempts spent: 16

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